Are you ready to unlock your true purpose and live a passionate, purpose-driven life? In the course 'Discovering Your God-Given Passion: Unleashing Your Purpose', we will explore the significance of understanding and aligning with God's plan for your life. This transformative course will equip you with the tools and insights to identify your God-given passion, align it with God's will, and use it to serve Him and others.
In the first part of the course, we will delve into the importance of discovering your God-given passion and its role in Christianity. Through biblical examples and teachings, you will gain a deeper understanding of how passion reflects God's love and how to recognize and nurture your own passion. You will also learn the practical steps for identifying your God-given passion, including self-assessment of your skills, talents, and interests, as well as recognizing God's voice through signs and confirmations. Additionally, we will explore the role of prayer in the process of discovering your passion, as well as the difference between personal desires and God-given passion. Through this course, you will gain the knowledge and wisdom to align your passion with God's will, unleashing your purpose and serving Him wholeheartedly.